MCG business
Election and re-election of directors

Election and re-election of directors

The Company's Articles of Association contain detailed rules for the appointment and retirement of directors. There is a formal procedure in place to select and appoint new directors to the Board. These directors are required to retire at the next Annual General Meeting, but can offer themselves for re-election by shareholders. Under the Articles, all directors are required to submit themselves for re-election at intervals not exceeding three years. However, the Board agreed that, with effect from the 2011 Annual General Meeting, directors should stand for re-election every year.

The Board annually evaluates the performance of individual directors, the Board as a whole and its Committees. This review comprises structured interviews with each director followed by the presentation of the results of this process to the Board and individual discussions with the Executive Chairman. The results of the evaluation were approved by the Executive Chairman and an agreed plan of action produced. The results are specifically taken into account when considering the re-appointment of directors.